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  • Early Development Selection - New Zealand Film Commission - 2023 - Elephant Kiss

  • Option - Dammaropsis Ltd (NZ) - 2023 - Elephant Kiss

  • Option - Krafthaus Films Ltd (NZ) - 2023 - They Hide In The Dark

  • Semi Finalist - Stage32 Animation Screenplay - 2023 - Elephant Kiss

  • Winner - Stage32 Family Feature Screenplay - 2022 - Elephant Kiss

  • Winner - Action/Adventure - Shore Scripts Feature Screenplay - 2022 - Elephant Kiss

  • Official Selection - Hot 100 Screenplays Capital Film Fund - 2022 - Elephant Kiss

  • Semi Finalist - Emerging Screenwriters Genre - 2022 - Elephant Kiss

  • Director attached to project -  (NZ) - 2021 - They Hide In The Dark

  • Rights go to - LIBERTINE PICTURES - 2020 - 39 Days

  • Semi Finalist - Your Script Produced - 2020 - The Board

  • Commission - PictureStart (NZ) - 2018 - Jump

  • Semi Finalist - Scriptapalooza shorts - 2018 - Unwanted

  • Quarterfinalist - Screencraft Horror - 2017 - Suffer The Wicked

  • Quarterfinalist - Shriekfest Horror Film Festival - 2017 -  Suffer The Wicked

  • Funded - NZ Film Commission Fresh Shorts - 2017 - Cuckoo

  • Finalist - SWANZ (Screenwriters Awards NZ) - 2016 - The Board

  • Commission co writer - Libertine Pictures (NZ) - 2016 - The Kill

  • Option - BristowHouse (UK) - 2015 - They Hide In The Dark (expired)

  • Honourable Mention: Best New Screenplay - British Horror Film Festival - 2015 - The Walls

  • Finalist - Shriekfest Horror Film Festival - 2015 - The Walls

  • Official Selection/Finalist - Mile High Horror Festival - 2015 - The Walls

  • Option - Libertine Pictures (NZ) - 2014 - 39 Days (now called The Raft)

  • Finalist - Just Effing Entertain Me - 2014 - 39 Days

  • Semi Finalist - Screencraft Fellowship - 2014 -39 Days

  • Finalist/Official Selection - Mile High Horror Festival - 2013 - 39 Days

  • Quarterfinalist - Screencraft Comedy - 2013 - I Hate People

  • Semi Finalist  - Screamfest Horror Festival - 2013 - 39 Days

  • Finalist - Broad Humor Festival - 2013 - I Hate People

  • Semi Finalist - Shriekfest Horror Film Festival - 2013 - 39 Days

  • 2nd Rounder - Austin Film Festival - 2013 - 39 Days

  • Quarterfinalist - Screencraft Horror - 2013 - 39 Days

  • Quarterfinalist - Screencraft Horror - 2013 - They Hide In The Dark *

  • Winner - People's Choice Prize - New Media Writers Prize - 2012 - Hurst

  • Commission co writer - Ascension Limited (UK) - 2011 - Son Of Man

  • Option - Matt Williams (UK) - 2011 - They Hide In The Dark * (expired)

  • Winner - Genre category - IMTF Trailer Script competition - 2011 - They Hide In The Dark *

  • Mentored by Kudos TV & Film and Red Planet Pictures - 2011/2010   - Writer

  • Quarterfinalist - Fresh Voices - 2010 - I Hate People

  • Winner - Best Screenplay - British Horror Film Festival - 2010 - They Hide In The Dark*

  • Finalist and mentee - Red Planet Prize - 2010 - The Board

  • Quarterfinalist - Scriptapalooza - 2010 - They Hide In The Dark*

  • Winner - Best Comedy Short Screenplay - LA Comedy Shorts Festival - 2010 - Cuckoo

  • Winner - Comedy Feature category - Tableread My Screenplay - 2009 - I Hate People

  • Finalist - NYC Horror Film Festival - 2009 - They Hide In The Dark*

  • Semi Finalist - Biz of Screenwriting Contest 2 -- 2009 - Writer

  • Semi Finalist - 21st Contest - 2009 - They Hide In The Dark *


      *as "Unseen"

British Horror Film Festival
Shriekfest podcast
LA Comedy Shorts Award
Kristi Barnett in Horror magazine

All scripts and synopsis are the sole copyright of ©Kristi Barnett 2009 - onwards All rights reserved.  NOTE: Images are not owned by me and are not attached to the project.

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