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The nature of a live transmedia event unfolding over 3 weeks means that it's very difficult to recreate the dynamic that occured at the time. Ever changing technology means that even creating an archive website has proven difficult, with tweet links becoming defunct and softwares/hosting websites shutting down. Even the original archival website on WIX has become defunct as the flash software was pulled, hence me re-creating this website here. Also, as tweets automatically show from newest at top, the story would have to be read back from the bottom upwards, which has always remained a thorn in my side. It's time consuming to change it by retyping and to be honest as this is an archive website - I've decided to display the tweets @KarenBarley made, as they appeared at the time. I have recreated almost all the links (hosted elsewhere for archival purposes) and you may be able to get a sense of what the audience were seeing over the 3 weeks. NOTE: The bad spelling and grammar was deliberate! I wanted to recreate how people type on their phones when they're stressed or in a hurry, to show how Karen's mind was deteriorating.
If you prefer to just watch the videos or scroll through the story photos - feel free to do so below.
There are also a few backhistory photos I used to build her Karen's character over on her Facebook profile, a few weeks before the Twitter live event; so that she seemed like a real person. There are photos of my research and finally, a gallery of Karen Barley publicity shots, (with actor Gemma Giddings).
Otherwise click here to read the tweets as they happened.
Hurst Post Trailer
Video 1 - Cool I can post videos from my phone!
Video 2 - I Am A Complete Mess.
Video 3 - Getting Ready.
Karen Barley and Darren JessopThis was taken on the first day the actors met. Gemma and Benjamin did a script read at a Croydon pub with me. I used the opportunity to build up their backhistory with Facebook photos. It's a testament to their professionalism that they were able to create the illusion of a steady relationship after only just meeting in real life! | |
Burt the dogOn her Facebook profile is an album called "In memory of Burt". In was character building their history, showing a beloved pet. | In actual fact this dog belonged to the owners of the pub we did the script read at. I wrote it into Karen Barley's history. |
Friend of KarenI included myself in a shot to show she at least had one friend. | |
Couple ShotsI built a few different shots over the filming period, to show them together in different clothes and locations, to give the illusion they've been together awhile. | |
Goofing aroundBoth actors did a great job of acting for the stills photos. | |